Barcelona, July 13, 2021 – Oriol Amat, UPF Rector, and Ruben Bonet, Fractus President and CEO, today have signed a collaboration agreement for three years to create the Tech Transfer and 6G Fractus-UPF chair, with the objective to develop research, knowledge transfer and education activities.

Other attendees in the ceremony were Angel Lozano, University Professor from the Information and Communication Technologies Department and Director of the chair; Daniel Serra, Rector’s Delegate; Jordi Ilario, Fractus COO and VP Licensing; and Carmen Borja, Fractus CTO and Intellectual Property Director.

“To enhance knowledge transfer is one of the main objectives of the current UPF management team, therefore this association with Fractus could not have come at a better time” Oriol Amat stated. Additionally Angel Lozano affirmed “the association with a successful company as Fractus is a great opportunity for Fractus and for the WiSeCom (Wireless & Secure Communications) research team. This chair will support the research in the future 6G wireless systems, but it will be focused to reinforce the technology transfer”.
Ruben Bonet said “the launch of the chair with the UPF is a very important milestone for Fractus. The research activities in the areas of 6G have, with no doubts, a promising future. The UPF reputation developing new technologies is strongly verified and we are very proud to be part of it. Also, at this very moment of the Fractus project maturity, twenty years after its inception as a university spin-off, it means a wonderful opportunity to contribute to the society and to the UPF in particular with our experience in the design of commercial and industrial strategies to launch innovative technologies in aspects such as for instance funding, licensing and intellectual property protection”.
To read more about the details please go here
About Fractus
Fractus is an early pioneer in developing internal antennas for smartphones, tablets and other wireless Internet of Things devices and holds an intellectual property rights portfolio of more than 30 inventions protected through over 120 patents and patent applications in the United States, Europe and Asia.
Founded in 1990, UPF is a public university based in Barcelona that is highly competitive in research and aims to transform education to respond to future challenges. The University carries out this activity in eight disciplines spread across three campuses in Barcelona